
Doctor speaking to patient
Patient in dental chair smiling while looking at her teeth

What are Dental Crowns?

Woman smiling while holding a 3D model of teeth
3D model of teeth

What are the Benefits of Crowns?

Are Dental Crowns Right for Me?

Woman smiling

What Happens During Crown Placement?

When you arrive at Smile Dental for crown placement, you relax in a comfortable dental chair. Your provider will numb the treatment area as needed to eliminate the risk of pain and discomfort. They remove tooth decay and might reshape or sand down part of your natural tooth to make room for the crown.

Your dentist digitally scans your tooth and sends the information to a dental lab. After your custom-made crown is ready, you return to Smile Dental. Your specialist ensures that it fits correctly and permanently bonds it to your natural tooth.

What Should I Expect After Getting a Crown?

There’s no downtime after crown placement, so you can resume your daily routine immediately. Care for your new crown by brushing your teeth after meals, flossing every day, and not chewing on hard objects, including ice. See the Smile Dental team every six months for routine cleanings and dental exams.

If you experience tooth pain, damage, or discoloration, call the Smile Dental office today or book an appointment online to determine if you’re a candidate for dental crowns.

Connect With Us

We want to provide you and your family with a rewarding dental care experience. Call (951) 376-4623 or schedule online to set up your visit. We'll be in touch soon.